Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February Blah

My motivation has been pretty low the last two weeks. I think the February cold and darkness is getting to me because I don't feel like doing anything when I get home at night. I haven't been eating the worst kinds of food, but I also haven't been eating the healthiest. Luckily, Nick has been cooking in the evening and everything he makes is semi-healthy so I'm not totally off track. However, I haven't been very active lately and I'm pretty sure I gained back the 3 lbs I'd lost.

I want to do a 3 day juicing cleanse, but for it to be most effective, you have to drink the juice within 20 minutes of making it. Obviously this isn't convenient when you have a full-time job. The good news is I work at a Catholic university so Good Friday is a paid holiday and will give me a chance to do my cleanse. The bad news is that's a month and a half away. In the meantime, I need to drag myself out of bed earlier so that I can have time to juice in the morning and I need to force myself to do some sort of physical activity after work.

I just need to find someone willing to come over and workout with me. Maybe I can create a drunk Just Dance class. I've already got the game for the Xbox Kinect and I've got plenty of wine.

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