Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chiropractor Results - Round 2

As promised, here are my results after 6 months of chiropractic treatment. My atlas bone (top bone in neck) is now at 27 degrees and should be 29 degrees, but keep in mind that I started at 15 degrees. My neck is still pretty straight, but it's moving in the right direction and we're going to keep working on getting me to carry my head back over my shoulders instead of forward. That's a tough one, but I'm trying.

And here's the reason Dr. Jasmina was so excited to give me my results. My back and hips are perfectly even after 6 months when she expected it to take 1-3 years. We've been trying to correct 10 years of damage so I'm shocked that I was able to see results this quickly. I'm now down to treatment 2 nights a week as we shift to more of a maintenance plan. She's been really great at helping me with my chronic sinus headaches so I'm more focused on getting those under control now that I don't have back pain to deal with.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back on the Wagon

I went back to being a chubby kid for awhile, but I'm doing better now and lots has happened since my last post.

1) I'm down 5 lbs. It's mostly because I've been dealing with intestinal issues and can't eat much, but I'll take it.

2) The weather has been amazing lately so I've spent more time outside on long walks, which has improved my mood significantly.

3) We had lots of family visits during a 2 week period and I managed not to stuff my face at all of the restaurants (again, intestinal issues but still proud of myself).

3) I went to the dentist (finally) and got 3 cavities filled. Yay healthy teeth!

4) My chiropractor is excited to go over my latest results so stay tuned for more on that.