Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back on the Wagon

I went back to being a chubby kid for awhile, but I'm doing better now and lots has happened since my last post.

1) I'm down 5 lbs. It's mostly because I've been dealing with intestinal issues and can't eat much, but I'll take it.

2) The weather has been amazing lately so I've spent more time outside on long walks, which has improved my mood significantly.

3) We had lots of family visits during a 2 week period and I managed not to stuff my face at all of the restaurants (again, intestinal issues but still proud of myself).

3) I went to the dentist (finally) and got 3 cavities filled. Yay healthy teeth!

4) My chiropractor is excited to go over my latest results so stay tuned for more on that.

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