Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chiropractor Results - Round 1

I just finished my first round of chiropractic treatment at Chiro One after going 3 nights a week for 12 weeks. I first sought treatment because I was having terrible lower back pain, frequent headaches, and wasn't sleeping well. My initial x-rays showed that I'd lost 56.7% of the curvature in my neck, the top bone of my spine was at a 15 degree angle instead of the normal 29, and my lower back curved to the left which caused my left hip to sit lower than my right.

Here's my neck x-ray from the end of October. The one on the left is a normal curve. Notice that the top bone points toward the eye socket and the head sits back. Mine is on the right. The solid, curved line is where it should be and the dashed line is my actual curve. My top bone points toward my nose and my head sits forward causing my shoulders to slump.

Now here's my lower back x-ray from October. Again, the one on the left is a normal spine and mine is on the right (ignore the zipper and hooks from my dress pants). Notice how my spine curves to my right and my left hip is lower? That was causing me a ton of pain.

After 36 weeks of adjustments, special stretches, and different types of traction, my spine is on the road to recovery. The curve in my neck is slowly improving and the top angle is now 24 degrees. This has had a huge affect on my posture because I now carry my head further back. I've always slumped my shoulders and head forward as you saw in the first x-ray, but that's starting to reverse. My lower back is also nice and straight now, although my right hip is a little lower because it started over-compensating as my left hip lifted. That will improve with more treatment.

Here are my x-rays from this week. See the improvements?

I've agreed to another 36 weeks of treatment with 3 visits a week because my overall health has improved dramatically. I'm sleeping great and the back pain and headaches are gone. I have so much more energy than I used to. My chiropractor is the one that turned me on to juicing and has been super supportive of my recent healthy choices. The whole office is an open concept so I get to chat with the other patients and have actually become friends with a few of them. This was definitely a great choice and I'm looking forward to even more improvements.

My adorable chiropractor, Dr. Jasmina 

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