Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Food wins and juicing

I started the day off with a healthy breakfast and couldn't even finish the entire slice of toast. I had intended to do some stretching/yoga but spent too much time eating my food and listening to the Hipster International playlist on Spotify. Totally worth it.

I had a bowl of veggie chili for lunch from the work cafeteria and drank tons of water to convince myself I was full. That only worked until 2pm when my blood sugar dropped and I got a sudden craving for cheese fries. In the same way that blurred vision is my body's warning that I'm about to get a migraine, a cheese fries craving is a warning that my body is about to convince me to make a chubby girl decision. It does this in super bitchy ways like "But you'll feel amazing while your face is buried in some fried food" or "But your boobs are bigger since you've gained weight" or the most popular "But that girl over there is twice your size; just stand by her while you gorge." Today I was finally successful in shutting that voice up. I was prepared with a can of salt and vinegar almonds that gave me the same euphoria of eating salt and vinegar potato chips, but with the satisfaction of knowing I had made a healthier decision. I was so shocked by how good they were that I even made a couple coworkers try them. This is a big deal because normally the chubby girl in me panics at the thought of sharing yummy food. Progress!

In other news, my Breville juicer and popsicle molds came! I'm super excited to start juicing and to make yummy frozen treats that are healthier than the frozen custard sold a painfully close distance from our apartment. Reviews to come. Oh and I included a picture of the fish curry Nick made for dinner. The boy knows the way to my heart.


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