Friday, January 25, 2013

Yoga for Beginners

This morning I decided to try one of Nick's yoga dvds. He was still in bed so I chose the one that sounded most beginner-like with words like energy and balance. I envisioned doing relaxing, seated stretches that slowly moved from one to the next. Wrong! I pushed play and immediately a man and woman started moving from pose to pose with nothing more than the name of the pose and their own crazy-flexible example. If I haven't already made this clear, I'm currently in a chubby phase so I'm not exactly capable of placing one foot flat on the floor while pointing the other toward the ceiling. Your mountain scenery and woodwind music isn't fooling anyone, dvd yoga instructors! Just ask this cat:

Needless to say, my yoga session lasted all of 2 minutes because I'm pretty sure I looked more like a constipated warrior than a fierce warrior. I ended up sitting on the floor and doing stretches I remember (vaguely) from junior high track. Just to give you an idea of how pathetic I truly am, ya know that stretch where you put your legs straight out in front of you and try to touch your toes?
I can touch my ankles.

I did make some more juice though and documented the process.

Here's what I used: 2 handfuls of spinach, 5 stalks of celery, 6 large strawberries, and 6 pieces of pineapple.
It may appear to be vomit, but it was delicious!
Here's the pulp that was left behind. The blade/screen part comes off for easy cleaning.

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