Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pinterest Recipe Weekend Galore

I spent a large chunk of the weekend trying recipes I found on Pinterest. Obviously my pictures are never going to look as good as the professional ones, but I think mine might give people more realistic expectations. For example, here's a recipe for scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, asparagus, and goat cheese:
Here's what my version looked like. It was delicious, but next time I'll add less smoked salmon. It was just too much salty fish for me.

Next up, I made some pineapple coconut cilantro popsicles for those days when I'm craving something sweet, but don't want to ruin my streak of healthy eating by devouring an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's. Plus, these popsicles make me feel like summer is closer than it actually is.
Here are mine. I found some organic pineapple coconut juice and blended that with frozen pineapple and cilantro in our Magic Bullet. I doubled the recipe and it was exactly enough to make 6 popsicles. The molds are Tovolo Groovy Ice Pop Molds that I ordered from Amazon. Notice that when I tried to pull one out of the mold, the top broke off just above the center stick. Oh well. It still tasted soooo good and definitely made me forget that we're still in the middle of winter (until I looked outside and saw the snow).

Saturday night we had friends over for dinner and late night board games and I knew that I would need something healthy to snack on while I got my ass kicked in Star Trek Catan and Risk (I did manage to pull out a victory in Geek Battle). I used a recipe for a creamy white bean dip that's a healthier alternative to ranch. Again, I used the Magic Bullet to whip this up and it turned out great although a little heavy on the dill. Our friends enjoyed it so this one is a keeper.

We're trying to use up some ripe bananas before they go bad so banana pancakes seemed like the perfect choice for Sunday brunch. These turned out so great! They were light and fluffy and the pomegranate syrup was a nice touch. I should have let the syrup reduce a little longer because it was pretty runny, but it still tasted great. My picture looks like a sloppy mess so you'll just have to trust me that these are awesome.

And Finally, Sunday night's dinner was skillet lasagna. The recipe calls for Italian sausage, but I cut up some precooked turkey sausage patties. Next time I plan to add a bunch of veggies instead, but overall, it was really good. It barely fit in my cast iron skillet and bubbled over a little so just know that you need a large, deep skillet.

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